when the not-so-solid part of you
writes a note to the solid part of you:
it says “I’m gonna scream” and
the solid part writes back
“We are aware of your issues”
but the not-so-solid part can’t see
because it has already started screaming
so the solid part takes note and
sends out loud talking points that
pass through the not-so-solid part because
it has worn thin and can retain nothing
so the screaming turns to bellowing
punctuated by great long breaths that
rumble the solid part of you
shaking it to its core
leaving it no other choice but
to scream louder than the not-so-solid part of you
this sound works because it is:
deep and
sonorous and
calming and
it overwhelms the not-so-solid part of you
just in time
before any words leak out of your mouth and
instead you re-channel your energy and
make instant coconut pudding.
Perfect for the times!